Maroondah Reservoir new leader 2nd walk

The recce has been done and Maroondah Reservoir Park is looking spectacular with some of its trees changing to their Autumn glory. It will be an EM2 walk of 11km (approx). We will start from the main car park at Maroondah Reservoir, walking up to the Dam wall via Selover's Lookout with a zig-zag climb. After crossing the Dam wall to the lookout we will walk along some well made tracks to Donnelly's weir for MT. On the way back for a little adventure we will skip across on stepping stones and logs at Donelly's creek heading to Henderson's Hill for lunch.  There will be a short-sharpish climb up to the summit of Henderson's Hill and a gradual descent down hill and then on well made tracks back to the cars.  Nothing too hard! Poles are recommended. You may wish to wear waterproof shoes (or bring 2 strong plastic bags if you don't want your shoes to get wet).  Anne and I did it and didn't get wet shoes.  For those wishing to car pool please be at the Tennis Courts car park (behind the Council Offices) by 8:00 a.m. for a 8:15 a.m. departure.  Those driving direct to Maroondah Reservoir please be there at 8:45 a.m. for a 9 a.m. start.